
Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Birds Do it. Fish Do It. Can Human’s Do It?

I am Mighty.

We know that birds and fishes can globe-trot the earth with great precision.
And we have long known that birds use the earth’s magnetic field, but we didn’t know there was a protein called cryptochrome in the eye that did it.

We know that critters are great finders, dogs can find their way home over vast distances, wild horses can find good feeding areas after a long absence and a long distance away.  Wildebeests migrate, caribou migrate. birds are el primo specimens at it. When I was a teenager we moved from the farm to the city, and our two Siamese cats walked back to the farm twice, although they rode to the city in a car. After the second trip, the people who bought the farm decided to keep them. 

Now we find a substance in the eye called cryptochrome that detects magnetic fields and helps in directions.

(I read that dogs pee or poop aimed North or South. Have you observed that?) 

And we have cryptochrome in our eyes.

Actually, we have two called Cry1 and Cry2.

Lauren Foley of the University of Massachutes Medical School works with Drosophilia flies. 

That’s a big name for a little common fruit fly—those little buggers that are so annoying at home, are a favorite among researchers. 


 Because they have short lives, and therefore mutate often. Their eye color which varies is often used in genetics studies. 

Foley found mutant flies that lacked CRY, and therefore could not detect magnetic fields. They had trouble finding their food too. HOWEVER, when they received human CRY2 in their eyes, (you need a microscope top do this) those flies could detect magnetic fields, just like their normal brothers and sisters.

We, humans, do use cryptochrome, and we know it is instrumental in the circadian rhythms, which is our sleep/awake cycle.

For most of us, we get sleepy at nighttime, and usually around a certain time.  And you know that your energy waxes and wains during the day—about 4’oclock I start to yawn. Some want a nap after lunch. many are wide-eyed and bushy-tailed in the morning, not so much in the evening. The circadian rhythm is responsible for that. 

I found a comment that cryptochrome is homologous (same as) DNA photolyase (an enzyme that repairs DNA). What? 


Scientists studying DNA have proven that we ARE light beings.

And, you thought all that talk about us being light beings was airy-fairy.

For some time, scientists have been searching DNA to see if it had fluorescent qualities. Nope, no light. 

Until one day…

Researchers discovered that the DNA was turned off. They shined a light on it, and it turned on. It gave back more light than they had put in. 

Ah, sweet mystery of life.

It appears that the dark stage of DNA is very long, while the light phase is very short. You got-a catch those little buggers at the right time. Rather like electrons being a particle or a wave, depends upon when you look at them.

This makes me wonder about something I heard from a biologist that worked at Nikon Industries. She said that she saw human fertilization in a petri dish, and when the sperm entered the egg, there was a glow. 

In zygotes (a fertilized egg) the cells are asleep for a time, and then they wake up, although nobody knows what awakens them. Nobody knew what awakened the DNA either—until they found it was light.

The consensus is that humans cannot sense magnetic fields. It could be that we have a disconnect between our eye and our brain—but, who knows, maybe we just haven’t found the light switch yet.

This is getting complicated, shall I continue?