
Friday, February 21, 2020

From Behind the Laptop.

I’m here–not at the beach., that’s in my dreams You’re there. We’ll meet in cyberspace—wherever that is.

I’m sitting on my desk chair while outside the sun is smiling on the overgrown grass in our backyard and sending sparkles of light through my window. 

Guess what I ought to be doing? Yeah, mowing the lawn, but I’d rather visit with you.

 So, how’s it going?

 I didn’t get the dominoes I blogged about last week, so I didn’t iron out my corneas. Finding real wooden dominoes can be a challenge.  No, the dominoes don’t touch your corneas, it’s an exercise that tickled me, and I wanted to try, but there is much to do, much to see, and time is speeding down the Indie 500.

I thought getting old would take longer. (Another Tee-shirt saying.)

One person commented that most blogs are about blogging. As Peaches, my little Poodle, said, “Everybody and their dog blogs.” So a blog about blogging ranks high. People like to eat, so a blog about food, nutrition, diet, and exercise is another big hitter. Relationships, yeah, I guess we want good ones. And we want as much mental health as we can get.

I tend to write about whatever I’m into. Travel, that’s high on my list, but I’m not doing much of that anymore. You did read about our trip to Disneyland this month, didn’t you?

As we were walking down Main street Disneyland, a Barbershop Quartet belted out, “Ida Rose, I’m home again Rose,” Wow, I thought, stop and listen to the quartets along the way.

That’s life, don’t forget to stop along the way and enjoy the view, hear the songs, dance a little.

Oh, oh, I hear a lawnmower outside, making me feel guilty.

Let them do their thing. I’ll do mine.

Have you ever found a blog or a site you liked, but after a while, you lost interest?

I have. I don’t know if I became saturated with their material, their voice, or if I have the attention span of a spider. However, what I tend to get in my ebox is hype.
  • Let’s hype that following a #spiritual trail will make you happier, more connected to yourself, your fellows, and the Great Spirit.
  • Let’s hype that the #holistic approach to life, that is physical, mental, and spiritual works together to produce a healthy human being.
  • Let’s hype that taking care of ourselves and the planet involves not a chemical plant, but good old dirt and compost and minerals. AND EAT FAT. The study that said fat was bad for us led us into obesity, heart disease and cancer. Fat does not produce fat in the body, it produces energy, but eat Omega 3 fats (butter, lard, olive oil. Avocado oil, coconut oil, animal fat), not omega 6, that include hydrogenated unsaturated vegetable oils, margarine, and Crisco. (Health tip of the day.)
“Since all of the brain and nervous system, the liver, and every cell membrane are made of fat, you need to eat lots of good fat to keep making good cells.”—Suzanne Somers, A New Way To Age.

What am I doing here?

Well, I’m throwing some rock salt on the trail to keep you from slipping. You see, we are getting close to the Sacred Mountain, that skim of snow tells us so.