
Friday, June 12, 2020

We Need a Light-Saber, or a Little Green Guru


When Luke Skywalker flew his X-wing Starfighter down the groove in the Death Star and hit the target right on, he solved three problems plaguing humans from the beginning. 

First, he destroyed a menace that threatened the existence of humankind. 

Second, he proved his mettle. We all worry if we are up to the task—whatever that task might be. That day Luke proved he could do it. He was a Jeti. 

Third, he faced straight on the problem of good vs. evil.

We are facing similar circumstances right now, a dire threat, good vs. evil, and the question: are we up to the task to fix it?

We’re scared, we’re worried, we’ve never faced a menace like this: a world in lock-down, a pandemic of unprecedented proportions, and now race issues.

We have had so much pressure exerted on us something was bound to break. We didn’t know it would be about race. We didn’t know we would watch a man be killed when he was already incapacitated and on the ground.

Most everyone had watched the movie Star Wars, either when it first erupted on the scene, or if you are younger than that, a replay in the movie house or on TV. Remember how we loved a seven-foot-tall hairy creature named Chewbacca. We went into a bar where all sorts of characters mingled. There were ones with a proboscis, multiple eyes, faces that looked like they had been in a blender—we accepted all those, and NOW race is an issue? 

In 1977 Good ole George Lucas coined that phrase. “May the FORCE be with you.”


Remember Luke in the swamp trying to lift a star-fighter from the bog? When he failed, Yoda told him, “Don’t try, Do!”

We need the gumption to KNOW we can overcome this current menace.

Why did YouTube censor dissonant voices? Why are they telling us that a knight in shining armor will come riding up on his white horse carrying, instead of a lance, a hypodermic needle? Worth thinking about.

And, we’re savvy enough to know the media likes trouble. They know that their mantra, “If it bleeds it leads,” works. And we know people suck up bad news over good. 

We can’t help it.  

Have you ever sat on a hillside looking across a small valley to the green grass and lovely bushes beyond? You are peaceful, almost in a meditative state. Your eyelids are drooping. Suddenly there is a movement in the grass. Your eyes dart to it. Oh, you say, "a bunny". Maybe it was a mouse or even a tiny little cricket bug, but you saw the movement. 

We are on constant alert for danger. Your dog too. He can spot a blade of grass moving out of sync while the others are stand stark-still. Danger, danger.

We notice movement, don’t trust strangers, we fear anyone who looks different from us.

Why do you think Zebras and deer and antelope all look alike? Nobody wants to stand out from the crowd, for then the predator will spot them, and they will be lunch. A sick animal will even hide its pain. He doesn’t want to be seen as weak and, therefore, vulnerable. They, like us, want to survive.

But we are Jedis in training. There used to be a spectacle at Disneyland where children, little ones, could don a cloak and with a Light-saber battle Darth Vader. This Darth Vader looked like the one in the movie, huge, strode with a gate that told the world he was top-dog. And that voice of his could quake the faint-of-heart. Yet, those little kids, some, as young as four-years-old–those little Jedi’s in training would single-handed march up to this big evil menace and with their Light-saber, do battle with the dark side.
Know this: As the light (us, the ones who search of a brighter day, the ones who champion justice and equality) gets brighter, the darkness, fearing its demise, will up the ante.

As the characters in Star Wars had to continually fight the dark side, either internally or externally, we must also put our faces to the light, and KNOW that the Force that lives in us wants goodness for us.

Don’t let the dark side seduce you with promises that you don’t have to do anything except follow directions. You do have to do something. 

First, we need the confidence to know we can.

“When we know better, we do better.”—Maya Angelou