Time for a Renaissance
I remember a TV ad from the 60’s. It was a line drawing with no words just symbols like #&%##* coming from a woman’s mouth. In retort flowers flowed from a man’s mouth. The woman glided to him and curled up in his lap.
That reminds me of another ad featuring more flowers. While tanks were shooting whatever tanks shoot, flowers came flying over from the other side.
That was the flower child era. Now, we throw insults, blame, lies, and innuendos.
I was embarrassed when I heard a Canadian say she would not live next door to an American.
“Because they don’t care for each other.”
Yes, we do.
On our street, we do. When my neighbor had a tractor for a week, he asked if I wanted any work done. I asked if he would pull out two wild lilac bushes that had gotten huge and so woody I couldn’t cut them with clippers. That tractor pulled them out easily, and they disappeared. He also took them to the recycle.
My neighbor to the rear cut our back 40 (not acres, we just call it that. It’s a strip behind the Wayback building, and another area that needs mowing. It isn’t visible from the street, but it is from my neighbor's property, for he lives behind a large field behind us at the end of his road.) He cut our grass with a Weed Wacker for he couldn’t get his ride-on mower in the back gate. I just went out one morning to let the chicken out, and it was cut. That was in spring when the grass was about a foot and a half high after all the spring rains.
Renaissance is a French word meaning “rebirth.” It refers to a period in European civilization marked by a revival of Classical learning and wisdom. The Renaissance saw many contributions to different fields, including new scientific laws, new forms of art and architecture, and new religious and political ideas.
Consider the possibilities.