Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Touched by Angels

Last night as I was driving down the street coming home from the grocery store, I heard a little voice in my head, “Buy a lottery ticket.”

Listen to those voices, I told myself, and pulled into the drive-by window lane at a Dari Mart where I know my daughter has bought lottery tickets.

I didn’t know what to ask for or what to order, and the kid at the window didn’t know how to advise me. I said, “I know, it has a Power Ball on it. I’ll take two.” (The second one was for my daughter; hey, we could both win.) 

He left, and when he came back, I offered him my credit card.

“They only take cash,” he said.

"Oh, I only have a dollar. Well later.” I prepared to leave. 

“Wait a minute,” he said and left. When he returned, he handed me  two $2.00 tickets.

“You’re giving them to me?!” I exclaimed.

“I paid for them,” he said.

Well, I raved and thanked him. I told him he was an amazing young man and said, it’s strange; I was just thinking of something I had read today about a man standing in line at the bank ahead of a girl with a mason jar half filled with coins.

He said to her, “I thought that needed to be filled.”

She explained that she was short of cash and needed to turn them in now. 

He told the teller to add $50.00 to her account when she arrived at the window.

Within one week, he got a $50.00 tip, exactly what he had paid the girl, and presented a screenshot to prove it.

 “I got a $50.00 tip,” said the young man at the window.

“You did?!” 

 “I bought a new phone with it, as I had broken the other.” 

“Good for you. That’s amazing. Thanks for telling me.” I drove away with a smile and lightness in my heart.

That light heart erased the troubled one I had left home with.
It wasn’t about winning the lottery. I didn’t win, and I did verify it online last night. It was about an exchange with that sweet young man. You can bet I will tip that clerk the next time I see him. Today, I made sure I had a five-dollar bill in my wallet so when I stopped by I wold have change.

A few days ago, on a gray overcast Saturday, Husband Dear and I had breakfast at the Viking Inn in Junction City. The lady waitress said, “It’s going to brighten up today, but it doesn’t matter what the weather is, it’s going to be a good day.” 

Yes, I agreed with her, the weather will do whatever it needs to do. 

"Hey," she said, we live in Oregon, we expect it to rain."

I commented on how good the food looked today, and she said that now, on Saturdays the restaurant will have all women cooks and waitresses. Wow, breakfast at the Inn should be a regular occurrence. And the bright and cheerful lady was right; the sun came out before we left.

Touched by angels.

This afternoon, on the road to the park, I saw a man in an electric wheelchair going about 20 miles an hour down the road. It turned out we were going to the same place, a park. Before he disappeared from my sight, I saw that little dog was sitting at his feet on the chair. 

Soon, he came bounding around the cement walkway surrounding the park with the dog running beside him. And I thought about how elderly people should have pets as they will do for their animals what they won’t do for themselves. I don’t know about that man, but he was giving his dog a fun run.

If you read Jo’s Newsletter, you will see that I am still working on my continued Real Estate continued education course and writing Money Shout Outs. 

As I work through the money info and clear myself, I will Shout Out what I have found. If you taste something exquisite, don’t you want to share it? And I figure that money is a hot spot for most people. Attitudes explode around it. So, I guess it’s our attitudes that we need to work on.

And if you’re afraid that an abundance of money will make you a selfish blowhard like some of the people who stay at the Plaza in New York and behave like spoiled brats. Some jerk the butlers around, cry over spilled blueberries, want condoms delivered to their room, and live lobsters in their bath. These people give rich people a bad name. You won’t become like them unless you are a selfish blowhard already. And I know you aren’t—those people don’t read my blog.

Be of service, share what you know, up your attitude, and you will have a happy life. 

Challenges, previously called problems, will come. They are thrown in your path to help you grow. And think of it this way: don’t you feel great when you have taken on a challenge and handled it with aplomb?

 (The tears? Oh, they were part of the process—you didn’t think it was all sweetness and light, did you?)

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Why in the World am I Talking about Money with all the other Crap that’s Going on in the World?

 Because I don’t want to write about crap that’s why.

And you know we need money to live.

Money is one of life’s largest concerns, whether you think it’s spiritual or not. But, think about it, we’re being held hostage by one of the richest men in the country. He spends big bucks on lawyers to bail him out on every turn, and poor people are giving him more money.

It boggles my mind.

We have called ourselves, “The Land of The Free,” yet, I see that one by one, our freedoms are being threatened.

Americans, why are you allowing this?

Aren’t you sometimes in a dilemma to check into the ramblings on the internet just so you won’t have your head in the sand? Yet when you peek out of the sand, your blood pressure goes ozone layer high.

End of rant.


I’m going back to my original subject.


Issues regarding money are some of life’s greatest challenges.

So, what is the fastest way I can turn around my money issue and have fun doing it?

If you have all the money you want, substitute any other desire, dream or goal for the word money.  

And it would honor me greatly if you would take the Money Challenge with me. Possibly we could have a dialogue. I intend to follow the sage advice I discover and shout it out. 

Yes, I’m relying on other people to help me for we all stand on the shoulders of others who have gone before.

You can argue with me, follow me, read me, ignore me, love me, or hate me, but I’m doing it anyway.

(I prefer love.)

Because I think it is pertinent, I am quoting Jen Senero again.  (You are a Bada** How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life).

“Greedy people do greedy things for money, don’t go getting all up in money’s face and blame it for their lousy behavior.”


As Bette Davis said in the movie All About Eve, “Fasten your seat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!” 


Shout outs will be posted on Substack.



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Don’t let the “Faith and Spirituality” category frighten you, I couldn’t find the right category for my posts. I post about LIFE,. Some individuals are soaring, some are lonely, and some are making do. However, we are all in this soup of life together. Let's cook a good one.