
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

What Do You Plan to Do With Your Wild and Precious Life?



"What's the No.1 thing that I need to know about going away to college?" Shaun Galanos asked his store manager.


"Do smaller loads of laundry." said the manager. "Your clothes will come out cleaner."  

--Shaun Galanos is a relationship coach and host of The Love Drive podcast


Ha ha.

How do we advise life anyway?

The picture doesn’t match the title does it? Hold on I’m getting to it.

First, Do smaller loads of laundry could be interpreted as doing tasks in smaller amounts. We’ll l have more fun doing them without the stress of keeping five plates spinning on five poles. 

I’ve done that.

Second: The Beautiful world part:

In a conversation with Daughter dear, I said I thought an old friend was acting the way he was because he was trying to come to terms with death.

She said, “Everybody is. But isn’t death a way to tell us we ought to get busy?”

“I’m working, trying to complete whatever I need to do in this lifetime,” I said.

“What’s your mission?” she asked.

Well, I guess Mary Oliver said it the best:  

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?”

― Mary Oliver

Yes, I’m repeating myself, using a quote I used earlier. Still, I really want to get it, and that’s my mission, to encourage people to enjoy and appreciate life. And to do the thing they were placed here to do.

I don’t need all people to frolic around for me to be happy, but somehow, I believe the earth ought to be appreciated. Living on this planet is a gift. (We could have been born on Mars and spent our life being sand blasted.)

We live in this lovely place—right now, it is snowing big sloppy snowflakes. I think it’s trying to decide whether to snow or rain. The temperature is right on the edge of the two. Daughter #1 lives on forested land at a higher elevation than here where we live. This morning her husband and son had to walk down the hill to the truck they left parked at the gate last night. They anticipated a road full of snow come morning. Car up the hill, truck at the bottom. It works. They accept the weather as part of winter in Oregon. And daughter dear said that now her son can tell his grandchildren that he had to trudge through the snow down a steep hill to go to school.

It stopped snowing here—that was fast.

I know that many people spend days with the television tuned into whatever is is filling their room with noise.  If they are happy, bless them. Happiness is a relative term, of course. I don’t mean ha ha happy. I should say having joy in their hearts and appreciation in their souls.

Happy, joyful, peaceful, appreciative people raise the world’s consciousness. The people, animals, and even the little plants raise their heads when appreciated.

Aren’t we the carriers of the light? 

Too woo-woo for you? 

Well, think of that washing machine stuffed to overfull, and the plates that will crash if we don’t keep running up and down the row to keep them spinning. Think of the days watching television when you end up feeling rotten, ugly, and depressed. Think about how worked-up we get when we become involved in politics and how we want to beat up the other party. 

And then there is my friend, who says she loves walking in the rain or snow. It is beautiful and invigorating, she says.

“You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
it calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting –
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.”
― Mary Oliver


Sunday, February 19, 2023

Mud or Monkeys?



Off the subject:


True Story from a reader:


Scene: Live Radio Real Estate Show Lincoln City 40 years ago.


Real Estate Person: My Mother


Caller: Some guy looking for a deal.


Mom: "We have a new listing for a fixer-upper. I just took a look at it here in Oceanlake. Let's talk to our first caller...:


Caller: "Wow, sounds interesting, Dorothy. What can you do with this fixer-upper?"


Mom: " of two things... One is with a match, and the other is with a bulldozer."' was not happy, property owner was not happy, but... Caller was amused, as were 3,000 listeners who knew she was being honest and remembered her name.


This writer knows I'm a new Real Estate Agent. Thanks, Greg, you made my day.



And now for my Blog:




Long ago, a friend asked me if I believed in evolution. 



I loved her and knew that she was worried about me. "Well," I said, "I'm a biology major. Evolution and biology go together. Evolution means change over time. It's that simple."

I knew her question was a loaded one. If I said yes, she would think I negated God.


Creationists and Evolutionists clash. Is that one reason we fight wars, a different belief in God?




My friend is now in the Happy Hunting Grounds and probably has some insight into these questions. 


But in her time on earth, I knew what she wanted, "Did I believe we descended from monkeys?


That meant to her that I didn't think that God was the Creator.  


We're primates. We have a relationship with other primates in that we are of the same family that is Homo but of a different species sapiens. Did we descend from monkeys?


I don't know. It does not insult me. We could have descended from a Praying mantis where the females bite the head off the male after mating. That would really squelch the human race. The idea of evolution does not negate God.


I doubt if God scooped up a fistful of mud and formed a man, then seeing that his newly formed male was lonely, put him to sleep, extracted a rib, and made a woman. But I wouldn't put it past him/her. 


(Some cultures depict the first cause (God) as being female. And I am glad him/her used anesthesia.)


We're flesh, blood, and bony animals. We are lucky to be here. Get over yourself. 

Mud or monkeys? We are reading from a time when the writer didn't know about atoms, genetics, or DNA. Only recently have we discovered epigenetics, where we learned that genes can click off and on. This is not to mention how weird Quantum Physics is, with atoms being affected by the one who watches them. (Don't ask me, I didn't make this stuff up.)


In the Mayan culture, the "Creators" (there were more than one) created humans out of Maize, aka corn. That was after their wooden men broke.)


Humans are fantastic questioners, problem solvers, and creatives, so we dig, imagine, suppose, and come up with stories, legends, and truths.


Our brains are so good at coming up with answers they will give us a response to the most inane questions. Ask your brain a question, and it will come up with a reply. 

Did God create us from some primeval sludge, then like Mickey Mouse as The Sorcerer's Apprentice who used the Sorcerer's wand and sent the water-carrying brooms got out of control?


 Did God throw a lightning bolt, ignite an amino acid, and viola' it became alive?


Somehow a DNA strand was created, single cells formed, and those friendly cells sought out each other and assembled into an organism. As time went on, that cohesive group became a larger swimming creature. Those creatures transformed into something that could live on land, finally becoming a skinny pink, brown, yellow, or red homolid, and finally Homo sapiens.


 That would have been fun to watch—given stop-action cameras.


Some say we were seeded from the stars, and they are right. Our solar system is a collected array of stardust that circled into the spiral we call home.


Some say Aliens planted us, or we came from aliens. That pushes the problem back. How were the aliens created?


Nowadays, species pretty much stay fixed in their course. That means they do not inner breed. However, once in a while, we get a hybrid like a horse and a donkey that produce an offspring called a mule. (More likely than not, with man's interference. In the wild, they probably would not interbreed.)


In the natural order of things, typically, mules are sterile, but as with most things, there can be an exception to the rule. I read that one mule produced offspring. Generally speaking; however, Nature says, "Stop inner specie breeding." And there are various physical and psychological aspects to that. But man, in his desire to be as smart as God, does bypass some of those obstacles. 


A species of squirrels became divided by the Grand Canyon. the squirrels on each side of the canyon developed into their own species. (You can imagine how long that took?)


This isn't a change of species, but a phenomenon worth mentioning.


ABC News W A S H I N G T O N, July 28, 2000 -- Researchers announced on Thursday that they were successful in growing eyes in fish that have been blind for eons — simply by inserting a lens from sighted fish.

Apparently, the lens seemed to send out signals that instructed the eyes in the blind cave fish to grow — a finding that sheds light on how eyes evolve and develop the researchers said.

Born Blind, A fish known as Astyanax mexicanus lives deep inside caves off the coast of Mexico where there is no light. Millions of years ago it had eyes; but now, soon after it starts growing in the  egg, the eyes start to degenerate and the fish are born blind.

Fish of the same species that live on the surface, where there is light, grow eyes and see normally.

Stem cells?

You see, I do not leave God out of the picture. I think the God force is so grand we can't comprehend it. One explanation is that that Force is Consciousness. 


Let's keep looking, researching, and debating, but let's not fight about it. We're all drops from the same ocean that is God.


And now this came to me after writing about evolution:


For Women, and the Men Who Love Them.


An email yesterday ignited old feelings about the use of Mare's urine in Hormone Replacement Therapy.  




Plant-derived estrogens are healthier for you and do not torture horses.


"There are bioidentical hormones available that have lower risks than animal-derived counterparts"*


And why don't the pharmaceutical companies use them? 


You can't copyright a plant.


My blood boiled after I learned how pregnant mares are treated to obtain their urine. 


First, they are tied during pregnancy and stand on cement, killing their legs. Then, they wear a permanent Catheter and are impregnated again soon after their babies are born. So the cycle goes until the Mare is ruined.


And often, their babies are throw-away foals.


Once I visited Sanctuary One, an animal sanctuary near Medford, Oregon.




At the Sanctuary I met a Premarin-rescued horse. 


When they received the Mare, Shasa, the caretaker, told me, "Her legs were like noodles from standing on cement for so long." When she came to them, she would lie down, but did not have the strength to get up, so they used a tractor to lift her.


When I petted her, I commented that she was a "Curly" (There are horses with curly hair) "No," said Shasa, "She has Cushing's disease from the stress. Her hair doesn't shed, and we must clip her." 


One rescued horse!


This Story was edited out of my book The Frog's Song, yet most publishers want angst—you figure. (Visit to read outtakes from the book.

Bless that sanctuary. They are wonderful. They took Orville and Wilbur, our pet, gentle, lovable healthy goats who became goodwill ambassadors. In return, I gave them our horse trailer. 



Orville and Wilbur


P.S. One of the plants that produce estrogen is Wild Yam. If your doctor doesn't give you the bioequivalent therapies, have your doctor send the Rx to a compounding pharmacy, and they will whip it up for you. Also, *sells non-urine (Silky Peach Cream) laced estrogen and progesterone creams.  


*Hormone Replacement therapy Conclusion:: Physiological data and clinical outcomes demonstrate that bioidentical hormones are associated with lower risks, including the risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease, and are more efficacious than their synthetic and animal-derived counterparts. Until evidence is found to the contrary, bioidentical hormones remain the preferred method of HRT. Further randomized controlled trials are needed to delineate these differences more clearly.”