Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Shellfish and Strawberries? Who knew.

Rather makes me hungry.

I was going to wish you a Happy #Solstice today.

But I’m a day late.

It was yesterday.


My husband and I were married on the summer Solstice, June 21. So I always thought the solstice hit on June 21.

Not this year.

This year it was June 20. The #Strawberry Moon coincided with the solstice yesterday. And here I was thinking it sounded so romantic, our anniversary, the solstice, the longest day of the year, an astrological event that hadn’t happened since 1967, and won’t again until 2062. We could have dinner on an outside patio and watch a pink moon rise over the horizon.

Not pink, you say?

Maybe it will be gold for it hangs low in the eastern sky—which, when I was growing up, we called a Harvest Moon. The Algonquin Native American tribes named this astrological event the Strawberry Moon because it occurs right at the height of the season when strawberries are harvested. It told them it was time to harvest ripe fruit.

Google tells me that the day after the solstice--that’s today--is great crabbing and shrimp harvesting time.

So today I fantasize about sitting outside on the day after the longest day of the year, watch the harvest moon rise, and eat crab and strawberries.

Sounds good to me.

Happy day after.

On the last blog, I mentioned the Chinese Crested dog…the one my little Sweet Pea is turning into. Notice her hind legs? Not only are they naked, but she is a pinto.

And then someone else took over...

The evolution of animal stacking...

                                    click here

Saturday, June 18, 2016

"What?" The Most Repeated Word in Any Household

Do you have a cat that likes to sleep on your computer keyboard?

If I leave a warm computer for one minute, there will be a cat on it. And nine times out of ten I leave the lid open.

Obi has written 45 pages of I”s, and as many“W’s. ” He has turned my chrome off and turned the screen sideways. It takes three keystrokes to turn it back vertical, so I guess it takes three keystrokes to turn it horizontal.  Now that’s one multitasking cat.

He’s cute. He’s adorable. He likes to keep his butt warm.

I’m the one who can’t remember to close the lid.

He likes to sleep on that too.

Oh, and while I’m on the subject of animals, my little Sweet Pea turned one-year- old this week, June 14, 2016. And she has turned into a Chinese Crested dog.

They told me she was Maltese/ Chihuahua.


Her back legs have become naked and spotted, and her front legs are following close behind. (This is the first time I’ve known front legs to follow the back ones, but that’s the way it is.)

She kind of funny looking from the back, but has a darling face—with fur. Online they say a Chinese Crested can be with fur or without, and sometimes the owners shave them to give their coat some semblance of order.

When my trainer and I were discussing that she looked like a Chinese Crested, she said, “Well, you’ve got one. and put sun screen on her.”

The Chinese Crested is old breed, from Chinese Royalty. When I asked the trainer what they were bred for she said, “To climb under the covers and keep your feet warm.”

Sounds good to me.

Well,  it’s been a quiet week in Junction City except for my animal drama and my psychological ups and downs.

To write? Not to write? What am I doing here? You know, life's persistent questions...

The Dance of the Chinese Crested. This is not Sweet Pea, she still has more hair.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

“Ma, Your Boy has a Colander in his Pants Again.”

Don Hahn, in his book Brain Storm, tells about being a boy and smuggling various objects from the kitchen up to his bedroom in his pajama pants. When he was bored with his little green plastic soldiers having already won the battle two or three times, he would experiment with a flashlight and his objects.  When he discovered shining a flashlight through a colander he had an entire  milky way on his ceiling.

Why am I telling you this?  I like it. It’s fun, and you might be interested in being more creative.

Perhaps that is what’s missing in our day to day life. I am distressed to see so many unhappy people. Perhaps they’re okay, and it is my perception that is faulty, but I don’t think so. If you can’t trust your own perceptions what can you trust?  I see many people walk around slack-jawed, and head down. That in itself shows depression. Tony Robbins says to sit up straight and put a big stupid grin on your face. Now try to be depressed.

I had a change of heart the other day. I have been feeling prickly of late and prone to expletives. When my daughter suggested a particular Yoga class, I took her up on it. It’s an easy one, not strenuous, and last week we had a guided meditation. I left that class in a zone, wondering if I was safe to drive home. I wasn’t, but there was no harm done.

I didn’t see the cement strip in front of my car and instead of backing out of my parking place as I have told myself a hundred times to do, I pulled forward, right into that cement strip demarking the parking space. That "Whack," woke me up. At home, a family member was stressing out, and I didn’t take in on as I often do. And that night I slept—I’m not going to say like a baby, they wake up every two hours—mine was the sleep of a contented person.

I do believe more meditation is in order…

This morning I was on my way to my latest blog post, "What Do You Want? (beautiful picture), ready to delete it, for I figured that prickly edge I had was showing, and didn’t know if I wanted to let that post stand. Before I deleted it, I found I had a 4, 595 audience spike. Either people like pitty, or it was my two hashtags that brought them in. Either way, I thank all who gave it a look-see.

Don Hahn is a Disney Imagineer. He says that "Creativity beckons us to jump into the void--to shine a light on darkness and to take a risk on following a new idea."

And I have found that taking a day off feels really really good.  Most people who write on creativity say it is important to recharge your batteries from time to time. Julie Cameron (The Artist’s Way) says it’s a must to go to a place where you are inspired--museums, art galleries, nature walks--I long for a good horseback ride through the forest. Hahn says you must leave your office and go into a new environment. And don’t ask anyone’s permission. Go alone. Make it a guilt-free, censor-free zone.

And here is a Hahn’s quote I love:

“Why do I care if I make a fool out of myself?  It’s called living, and while we are yet alive shouldn’t we do things that living people do? So embrace your inner idiot.”

And hey, listen to this one: the classroom had emptied all except one little girl who was intent on her drawing. The teacher asked what she was doing.

“Drawing a picture of God,” she answered.”

“But honey, no one knows what God looks like,” responded the teacher.

Said the little girl, “They will in a minute.”