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Sunday, August 15, 2021

Don't Worry by Peaches

By chance or Celestial guidance, I visited this morning and felt uplifted. I had not visited it for some time. However, I found that some people had been reading it. I don’t know how they found it. Peaches thanks those lovely people, and I thank them as well.


When I saw, “Don’t worry,” I decided to read it, and to offer it here.  And Peaches in heaven is patiently waiting for me to write her words.


I apologize Peaches. What do you have to say now? We’ll see…


Here is the one blog post, more can be found on


I, Peaches, Party Poodle for Peace, am a happy dog. Don’t worry about the future. Future will take care of itself. Many people don’t know how to be happy, don’t roll in grass, don’t know how to dig for moles and come to house with nose stacked with dirt. Don’t know how to give high-pitched happy bark in greeting, or how to give low bark than tells owner, “Check this out.”

Worry? I don’t worry—waste of time. Well, I did worry when I accompanied Bear to the Vet.  Couldn't help it! I thought I would have to go see the doctor, maybe be left there, but didn’t. Whew!

Can’t nap and worry.  Can’t chase lizards and worry. Worry takes away joy. I live for joy.

I have a job that makes me happy. I look after my people and the house. I go for rides and walks with family. I keep lizards away from the door. I keep Obi Kitty away from my food dish too—cats are so sneaky. 


P.S. Mom has a blog posts coming up on Tuesday, August 17, 2021. I tell her she needs to chase more lizards.


An aside from Mom:

Little Peaches has Addison’s Disease which is not a disease, but a condition. It means her adrenal glands are not working properly.

Peaches lives with her chronic health condition. We take care of her, we give her medication, she maintains. She goes about her life in a positive way. If she feels poorly, we give her more subcutaneous fluid. She makes a contribution to life. I love her, she loves me, and she pontificates on her blog…





Tuesday, August 10, 2021

What Makes Life Worth Living?

I lie in bed thinking. And then I thought that this mass in my head is doing it. And then I thought, what a magnificent thing, that all those neurons, synapses and whatever, like electrical wires are coursing through the mass that resides inside my skill. Such a strange mass it is, a lump that if you didn’t know what it was and found it in your yard you would think you ought to buy it.


Of course, it belongs in the skull, not in the yard. We carry a powerhouse atop out shoulders, yet we spend most of the day whining, and throwing chemicals at the powerhouse spurring it to work better, run faster, be smarter, get with the program, make us happy.


I’m not a spring chicken, and I suppose that brings with it a certain amount of urgency to get things done. I read once that if you want to know about death ask a 70-year-old, they’ve been looking at it across the street for a decade.”


I say, yep, look at it, then get on with life—that’s what you’re here for.


What is my purpose? What is my dream? What is my passion? How can I be of service? How can I feed my soul good things when I hear so much bad stuff? How can I combat negativity?


Questions of the ages, yet one lone soul had the audacity to stand up and say, “Our purpose is to live in joy.”


Do you believe that?


This morning I heard Oprah quote Maya Angelo. “I come as one, I stand as ten thousand.”


For Oprah, it was her people behind her, the ones that had price tags attached should they ever be sold. They were listed in a slave ledger, Donna, $900, Lydia $800, an 11-year-old girl $500. She will not let herself forget where she came from.


I grew up thinking that war was just the worst thing that could ever happen. I heard about Hitler, and I saw the pictures of skeleton people with skin stretched over their bones, people from barracks, emaciated, so when I hear someone say, “Let’s kick their butts,” or happy that we “Bombed them back to the stone age,” my heart aches. I carry those remembrances.


Oprah daily sees a painting that has prominence on her living room wall. It’s of a slave mother standing on the sale’s block holding her daughter’s hand.


Should we remember or forget? Is this remembrance a constant damper on our joy? Tell people to be kind to each other, love each other. Must we flagellate ourselves with something we didn’t do and can’t erase from the past? Aim for thoughts that feel better. Raise someone up when they are down, but first take care of yourself. That isn’t selfish. If you are limping along a dangerous trail, straight down on one side, wall on the other, shale slipping, do you want another limping person beside you, or do you want someone strong, someone who takes your hand and says, “It’s okay, I’ve got you.”


Be that person.


Yes, when we walk into a room, we carry those 10,000 people with us. But could it be that those people, instead of being slaves and victims, are warriors?  They are our mothers and fathers. They are the ones who escaped tyranny. They are the ones who immigrated to this country to make a better life. They were the pioneers that crossed the prairies to build a home. They were the suffragettes who fought for women’s right to vote. They are the ones who formed unions to give workers a living wage. They were our grandparents who farmed and fed a nation. They were the ones who wrote a Constitution to ensure that democracy shall prevail. They fought for gay rights, birth control, a woman’s reproductive right to choose, and the end to child labor. And they are still out there building wells in Africa, trying to stop selling and enslaving women for sex, believing that not one person on the earth should starve, and that people should not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the strength of their character.


See how long that list is? We don’t have baggage we have the spark of life in us.


President Truman placed a sign on his desk as a daily reminder: “The buck stops here.”


I suggest in response to the rabble “out there,” that we adopt that attitude.

Thursday, August 5, 2021



Many years ago, I read about a prisoner in Auschwitz.


He was a doctor, and as a doctor, of course, other prisoners came to him for treatment.


The trouble was, he had no medicines, no instruments, no anything.


But he had water.


He began treating his patients with water, and saw many ailments relieved. After he was liberated, he began studying the effects of water on healing the human body (I can’t find the book. Do you know of it?)


I have noticed that my coffee urge has dwindled on the hot days that abound these days, and I’m turning to water. When I read Kristin Limoges article, “Whoa: This Is What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Enough Water.


I decided to up my intake.


This research is based on the work of Dr. Dana Cohen, an integrative medicine specialist in New York and coauthor of Quench: Beat Fatigue, Drop Weight, and Heal Your Body Through the New Science of Optimum Hydration.


She says optimal hydration is taking half your body weight in ounces. If you weigh 120 pounds, you need to drink 60 ounces of water a day.


 Within seven days of drinking your prescribed amount, you’ll have fewer aches and pains and bowel movements will become more regulated and frequent.


Also, your skin clarity will improve. “A body that has been suboptimally hydrated (You didn't drink enough water) will, over time, shunt water toward essential organs like your heart and away from nonessential tissue like your skin and muscles,” says Dr. Charles Passler, a celebrity nutritionist and founder of Pure Change Detox. “This can lead to wrinkled or drooping skin, as well as reduced muscle strength.”


After one month of drinking your daily recommended ounces of water, you’ll be hitting your stride. You can expect clearer, less bloated skin, plus continuous benefits in mental clarity, muscle strength, and stamina, says Dr. Passler.


In Six Months:


“Having our cells properly hydrated creates homeostasis in the body and flushes out toxins,” says Dr. Passler. (sounds like a scientist.) Beyond just looking and feeling great, proper hydration is necessary for the proper functioning of every single organ and tissue in your body. The long-term benefits of avoiding dehydration play an important role in reducing the risk of diseases and disorders, like urinary tract infections, hypertension, coronary heart disease, glaucoma, and gallstone disease.


I’ll race you to the frig.


—that’s where we keep our glass jugs of water. 

I cleaned my store, Jo’s—Store, Books and Coffee. It's a pleasure to walk in. Imagine  tinkling bells ringing as the door closes. Imagine the fragrance of fresh brewed coffee. Sit, prop your feet up, and read free stuff. 

And tell me if you think I swallowed the hype by purchasing a Fuze Bug, a mosquito zapper. (Just information, no kickback.) I was impressed when a hiker clipped it on his backpack and took off down the trail.

 And, of course, buy books.


 I use to sell on Amazon. My product right now is Ketogenix Keto tablets. oss+Puretonics+VIP+tablets&qid=1628190061&sr=8-3


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