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Saturday, October 21, 2023

I Wouldn't Mind Waiting for Dinner Here, Would You?

                                                                  Visions of the future.


“Sally, what’s wrong?”

“Twinkie and Shal, I’m happy for you. I really am… But inside, my heart is hurting. I can hardly breathe.”

 “What is it?”

‘I’m afraid I will have to sell my business.”

“What?” I thought you were doing well.”

“I thought I was doing all right. You know Hank got laid off during the pandemic, and they didn’t hire him back. He’s so well educated it’s hard to find an equivalent job. He’s lost his will. I thought the restaurant would support us, but we’re carrying a large mortgage on it, and a few years ago I took out a second mortgage. We have a balloon payment due, and not the funds to pay it. I think I will have to sell the building.”

“But then you will have no business,” says Shal.

“I know.”

“You could go bankrupt,” Harvey says.

“Yes, but that would destroy our credit for the next seven years. I don’t think I could run the business without credit. I know I sounded cavalier about my cooking, and commissioning a chandelier and all that. I wasn’t paying attention. I thought the restaurant was pretty much running itself. But it appears that when you take your eye off an endeavor it can run amuck. And my best cook moved across country. He got a better job. That was the final blow. And the rest aren’t Italian cooks.”

“You could train them.”

“Yes, hopefully.”


“Oh Sally, how can we help?”

“By being here, I guess. A soft place to fall as you have said. I hate to talk about money, but that’s what’s happening. I’m so embarrassed.”

“These things happen,” sat Ollie. “Do you have any equity in the building?”

“Yes, the equity would pay off the bills. Real Estate has increased in value, thank God. It’s a good time to sell.”

 “But you are selling your business…”

“I know. It’s killing me.”

“What about having a food truck?” says Simad. “They are really popular in Portland.”

“Yeah, I know, but I see them sitting idle here in town, and I pride myself in serving fresh food.

Besides, I can’t see myself in a food truck. I believe my customers would lose faith in me. I’ve lost faith in me.”


“Okay, Sally, we have six brains here. What can we do?”

“Just listen to me.”

“We’ve doing that,” says Ollie. “Do you mind if I ask how much would be left over after you’ve sold the building and paid off the bills?”

“I figure around $200,000.. Not enough to get another building or a business started.”

“Wait a minute. Let’s consider some alternatives. You’re too good a cook to just stop.”

“Maybe a catering business,” says Harvey.

“That might work if I could get my kitchen certified for selling out of it.”

“You know,” said Twinkie,” I’ve looked into tiny Houses. What if you had a commercial kitchen in one. I think you can get one or build one for around $100,000.”


“Where would I put it?”

“On my property!” Harvey yells. “I have an acre, and that means I’m qualified for a second dwelling. Put it in Liz’s garden. What better honor than to serve a friend. I think I could get an easement to it through the neighbor’s field behind my house. I brought a Bob Cat tractor through there once. They seem to be generous folks.”

“This would need to zoned for commercial,” said Shal. “I’m a negotiator. Perhaps we can get a zoning change. How does that sound to you Sally? We don’t want to take over, just help.”

“I’m grateful for it. Harvey would you really let me place a Tiny restaurant on your property?”

“Hell, I’ll build it for you.”

“I’ll build it with you,” says Shal. “I’d even quit my job for a piece of this action. This is a good business venture. They offered me a severance package some time ago, I think it's  still in effect.  I was thinking of dropping down to half time anyway for the baby. This could be such fun.”

“But, we would have to stay within budget guys.”

“What say we buy stock in your company?” Harvey suggests.

“I’m not taking any of your money,” says Sally.


“We’ll do grunt equity for a percentage of your company,” says Shal.

“You take 60%. We’ll divide up 40%. How does that sound? When the business takes off, we’ll take dividends. Or we could take a salary and be an employee-owned business.

“What grunt can I offer?” asks Twinkie.

“I would hire you as a waitress,” says Sally.

“I would love that. You pay me minimum wage and give me a percentage of the company and we’re on.”

“You’re on.”

“To be the majority shareholder, I would go with 51%,” says Sally. “That way, you guys could divide up even more. And we need to form an S-Corporation to avoid double taxation for everyone.

“Okay,” says Ollie, “you have Harvey and Shal as builders, Twink as waitress, Sally as cook. I can offer my networking system? I used to be a Real Estate Agent. I know a friendly Mortgage broker, and although I do not have a license, you can sell as owner, I will guide you and get a Real estate lawyer to write the contract. Will that earn me a spot?”

“Definitely.” Says Sally. “My head it spinning. Do you think we can work together as a team?”

“If we can’t, we haven’t earned our stripes as co-conspirators in life,” says Ollie. “We’re a Mastermind group aren’t we?”

“It works if you work it,” says Shal.


To be continued…Next installment, Twinkie has a new suggestion.


To read all the conversations please go to  


Jewell D's Substack





A comment or a follow (scroll below)  would have me running to the computer in excitement, probably before fixing breakfast for my hubby. Oh oh, this could go [crickets] if you feel sorry for him.

Monday, October 16, 2023

On The Porch


 I asked the group of six that had been meeting weekly under the Maple if they wanted to continue. They told me they would continue whether I recorded their meetings or not. They were doing it for themselves, and if recording their conversations would be entertaining or informative to others, so be it.


They kicked my butt and told me to keep going, not to bore people but to trust that recording their conversations was valuable. But they were going to let’er rip and forget that I am listening.


So let the tape roll…


Last Tuesday: ON THE PORCH:


Hot spinach dip in a fondue pot on the table, chips to dip. Drinks available.


Shal came through the gate, grinning a big Cheshire cat grin.


“Well, Hello, Shal,” said Ollie, standing from her chair and waving him in. “You look happy.”


“I am.” He hopped onto the porch where the group had moved from the maple tree, poured himself a hot cup of coffee, and said, “Hi, everybody. Ollie, I like your porch, and that it is enclosed on three sides, and with that patio heater, it will keep us comfy until December. And I believe that tree standing in your yard is still our protector and observer.” He gives a salute.


“Yep, fall fell this week. The rains came, the lawns turned green, and the fields are so brilliant they glisten when the sun hits them.”




“Shal,” said Twinkie, “what do you have up your sleeve? You look like you hit a jackpot.”


“I did. I’m going to be a papa.”


“Really? Shal, that’s wonderful.” Ollie moved around the table to give him a hug. The others gather around, shaking hands, hugging, and slapping him on the back.


“We were about ready to go to a fertility specialist.” He paced, too excited to sit or maybe nervous about telling his friends something so close to his heart. “We wanted to be pregnant by the time Allison was 35—missed it by a year. She’s 36 now. I’m 40, and we’re a little tenuous about telling people, wanting to ensure the pregnancy sticks. But I couldn’t wait to tell you guys.”


“Isn’t it fascinating,” said Ollie, “that this happened after you began meditating?”


“Oh my gosh, that’s right. I have been meditating still, for Allison said I was calmer and more at peace when I meditated. Oh, this fascinates me. I had not put it together. I thought something else caused a pregnancy.” 


The group laughs.


“How’s Allison going to manage?” Ollie asks. “She’s a Physician’s Assistant. I know she loves her job.”


“I might become a house husband, well, not all the time. Allison said she didn’t wait all this time for a baby, only to let me raise it, so we are working it out. She will work a couple days a week, I will go part-time. I can do that with my job, and we’ll share.”


“I’m glad you guys have that option,” said Sally. “I’m happy for you.”


“Oh, I had qualms about bringing a child into the world, after that Covid thing, and the lock down, the school shootings and all that. But Allison said that a baby is evidence that the world will continue. So, I’m accepting that. We’ll home school if need be. Maybe that child chose to come in now, who knows what plan he or she has up that little baby sleeve of hers, his, whatever.”


“You are the shot of joy we needed, Shal.” When we have a joyful moment, it magnetizes more joy. It builds. And what is more joyful than new life? 


‘I love watching babies giggle, blow bubbles, and kick their feet like those feet were the best invention ever. I’ll babysit so Mom and Dad can have a date night. You’re making me want to go out and get a puppy.”


“Old Laffe there might object,” Shal looked at Ollie’s dog asleep under the table where Ollie had placed a large rug that gave him plenty of room and the others a warm floor if they wanted to take off their shoes.


“Maybe it would give him a longevity shot.”


“You know,” says Ollie, “all these things, babies, puppies, make our life more fun, and you know that ‘Neurons that fire together wire together.’ And that applies to experiences, learning, and mind talk. It fixes them into the brain.”


“Up with brain juice,” says Twinkie. “By the way folks, Alan kissed me.”


“Twinkie, really?” said Ollie, somewhat concerned that he was taking advantage of a love-struck girl.


“Yep, really. I think he means it.” He told me he tries not to get involved with a student. I guess it’s somewhat like the student falls in love with the teacher, and the teacher should not take advantage of that. Last Saturday, as we were taking a break from the hot room with that blazing kiln, we walked into the forest behind his studio and down a path there. When we came to a fallen log, we sat on it and talked. He had a problem with my name, Twinkie. ‘You are not a Bimbo,” he said. “You are the most UP girl I have ever met.”  


“’You can call me Shirley, my given name, if you want,’ I said.”


 “‘How about Twink? That suits your lightness,’ he said. 


 “And not as fattening as a Twinkie,’ I said. He laughed and fell silent. We held hands for a while just sitting there. It was not an uncomfortable silence, but my nerves were a wreck. I thought I was going to die of longing. And then he turned and kissed me.”


“So cool,” said Sally, bursting into tears, shocking everyone.”


…to be continued



P.S. You can find all the conversations on Substack, plus a little extra in between. 


Jewell D's Substack

